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About Rayven.

Get everything you need to create a real-time single source of truth and AI applications, fast + affordably.

Rayven is where real-time data, AI + your business converge.

Join the organisations around the world already achieving more with Rayven:


About Rayven.

Rayven is a privately owned SaaS technology company with a global footprint, focused on helping industrial businesses seize the opportunities that real-time data analysis and custom IoT + AI application development can deliver.

At our core is our world-leading integrated data, AI + IoT platform. It enables businesses to integrate, ETL and analyse all of their data sources in real-time; and develop custom applications that put the results of that analysis - plus customised Generative AI capabilities - in the hands of their people so that they can improve outcomes, simply.

We enable businesses to:

  • Defeat integration, data silo + real-time data analysis challenges
  • Create custom workflows, automations + add AI to existing technologies
  • Build custom, scalable real-time data + AI applications

We give people real-time performance transparency, predictive insights, and all-new ways to improve performance all in one place; without causing disruption or creating risk.

Speak to us today to discover just how we can help you and your business, fast.

Download the Brochure


Rayven's mission.

Rayven is on a mission to given businesses complete real-time performance transparency and the custom AI and application development tools they need to make immediate operational improvements.

We design technology that's:

  • Highly-flexible and robust enough for industry and its many uses
  • Completely interoperable
  • All-in-one, delivering on the combined potential of data, AI and IoT platforms
  • Easy-to-use and configure, using codeless drag-and-drop interfaces
  • Future-proofed and SaaS-based
  • Secure at every point
  • Affordable for every business.

We want to take the complexity out of AI technology and enable every industrial business to access and succeed with it, so that society as a whole can reap the benefits of more productive, efficient, and sustainable industrial sectors.


Rayven's vision.

Growing environmental and societal obligations, coupled with safety, productivity and efficiency objectives, is making the use of real-time data analysis and AI technology a must-have if industrial businesses are to not just survive, but thrive into the future.

Real-time data and AI technologies have been evolving and converging since the term ‘Industry 4.0’ was first coined in 2011, but not to a point where the technology could actually deliver on its vision. Off-the-shelf solutions have been for very narrow single use cases; unable to support the raft of solutions that businesses will need to succeed with and transform their business and operations, end-to-end.

This has led many businesses to seek out new platforms (or build their own), but the expense, timescales and ongoing commitment involved makes it unviable for all but the largest businesses - it can also be highly-undesirable, too.

In recent years however, a new breed of businesses and SaaS technology platforms have emerged that are now capable of delivering the complete AI vision in a commercially-viable way, but the path to success with them is uncertain for many businesses.

We believe that by 2030, there will be a raft of all-in-one data, AI + IoT platforms that power the industrial companies of tomorrow. As common and commoditised as ERP, Finance and CRM software; these platforms will combine multiple technologies needed to deliver on the promise of AI (in all its disciplines) into one and become the lifeblood of industry, allowing businesses to seize opportunities and play a responsible role in society, transforming them and us forever.

Rayven has achieved this today and will be a leader among them, offering businesses with the ability to easily combine real-time data sources and create custom industrial AI applications that enable organisations of all shapes and sizes to transform, succeed, and be capable of thriving into the future.

Our vision

Rayven is affordable for every business.


The science behind our technology.

Utilising scientific methods, data and Machine Learning to extract new business-changing insights.

The research

Over 6 years of research by 2+ universities.

The smarts

7 years of development by 10+ researchers.

The math

We've developed 1,000+ algorithms.

The industry know-how

More 70+ years of real-world experience.

Our integrated data, AI + IoT platform is world-leading technology with everything you need to succeed:


Ingest, standardise + analyse all your data at once.

Rayven can ingest any data from anywhere; supporting all data structures, formats, velocities, and volumes.


Completely interoperable: integrate anything.

Connect to any system, device, machinery, data stream; including HTTP, MQTT, SNMP, LoRa, Modbus, OPC-UA, FTP, and Raw UDP.


Fits your existing architecture: no new hardware.

Deploy and build applications in the Cloud or on-premise. Create hybrid Infrastructure, simply.


Create multiple applications on one platform.

Create multiple real-time data and AI applications in the same place.


Easy + affordable to scale, whenever you need.

Rayven's platform can scale almost infinitely, meaning you can grow your solution with needs, minimising risk.


Brilliant UX: white label + brand your solutions.

Brand your own applications and dashboards to fit your business or your customers'.


Easy-to-implement Machine Learning + Generative AI.

Easily create, train + deploy custom ML models and LLMs. Add AI guidance and decision-making across your business, simply.


Manage + update devices at-scale, simply.

Securely onboard, organise, monitor, and manage all of your IoT devices at scale. Easily maintaining their health.


Streamline processes + add automations.

Create custom rules, workflows + triggers to inform people of required actions in real-time and take action.


Easy-to-use, drag-and-drop configuration.

Build and customise solutions, manage devices, add automations and algorithms + more - without any coding.


Create custom interfaces, alerts + reports.

Create custom alerts, reports + interfaces with dashboards, GPTs, data visualizations, virtual controls + more.


Enterprise security + encryption at all-points.

Our proprietary security architecture ensures your data is secure at all points; with industry-standard and Rayven-based features.

Solving industry-wide problems with partners.

We collaborate with best-in-class partners across the world to help solve strategic and operational problems for industrial businesses together.

Through coupling our integrated data, AI + IoT platform, solution development capabilities, and industrial expertise with other leading companies' capabilities; we create joint or white-labelled solutions that enable customers to achieve their strategic objectives - adding value, generating revenue and future-proofing product offerings in the process.

Help us understand the problems you solve in your business or sector, and we can help you create a solution that you can own and take to market.


Direct Brochure: use for
your own business.

Partner Brochure: build apps + sell them to customers.

Fast Start Brochure: get help to deploy even faster.

Speak to an Expert.


Book a time to speak to someone from our team to find out more + get some free advice.

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