Custom Finance Applications.
Build custom apps + automations that simplify real-time data + AI use.
Pull all your data from spreadsheets, systems, market feeds, databases + more to create a single source of truth for real-time analysis, data visualization, process automation, AI - anything.

Easily build apps and automations that deliver a real-time source of truth + add custom AI capabilities to your existing systems + processes.
Rayven helps financial institutions streamline operations by integrating disparate systems in real-time and enabling them to create custom apps and automations that deliver real-time + predictive insights, anywhere.
The Rayven Platform makes it easy to defeat data silos and system fragmentation, use custom AI to explore your data, provide real-time data visualizations and insights, enhance risk management, deliver personalised services, and much more.

Centralise + manage all your data in real-time.

Deliver real-time analytics + predictive insights.

Simplify reporting + compliance.

Add Machine Learning + Generative AI everywhere.

Build custom real-time applications, fast.

Give better employee + customer experiences.
Finance applications powered by Rayven, include:
Real-Time Monitoring + Management.
Monitor and manage assets in real-time. By integrating with various data sources, it offers a comprehensive view of asset performance, usage, and condition.
Portfolio Optimisation.
Optimise your asset portfolio by analysing historical data, usage patterns, and predictive models. This optimisation helps in maximising returns while minimising risks.
Financial Calculators.
Perform quick and accurate calculations for various financial metrics, including ROI, lease payments, depreciation, and more.
Fraud Detection.
Use real-time, AI-led protection to secure financial assets and ensure transaction + communication integrity.
Rayven can serve as a centralised data hub with real-time integration for all systems and technologies.
TCFD Platform.
Utilise to centralise, analyse, track + report on portfolio TCFD performance. Use real-time and predictive analytics to assess and predict underperformance + successes.
IMPORTANT: This isn't all Rayven's finance uses.
Rayven is unrivalled at integrating data sources, analysing them in real-time, building custom workflows + automations, applying AI, building custom interfaces, and more.
If there's metric and data holes you need filling, you want to build a custom app, or would like to leverage AI across your existing technologies: speak to us.
Rayven has free + low-cost options, making it affordable for every business.

Create bidirectional connections with all your current technologies in minutes.

Remove the risks, costs + delays from building applications: we can create it for you.
At Rayven, we don’t just provide the tools - we can also build the apps you need from concept to deployment and beyond.
Regardless of your challenge, our expert team can deliver a bespoke app tailored to your needs in weeks that delivers an even bigger ROI, faster.
Join the organisations around the world already achieving more with Rayven: