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Vanguard Technologies

Vanguard Technologies is an innovative and leading technology company that specialises in environmental noise modelling, prediction, and monitoring.

In today’s dynamic and noise-sensitive environment, effective noise management has never been more crucial and our pioneering technology is designed to address these challenges head-on.

Our solutions play a crucial role in dealing with some of the biggest noise challenges faced by industries such as mining and construction, ports, refineries, and general industrial facilities. By using our technology, industry can increase capacity, prosper, and work harmoniously within their communities to create a safer and quieter environment for everyone.

For more information visit: www.vanguardtech.com.au.

Find out more: download our brochure.

Discover what makes Rayven's integrated data, AI + IoT platform and industrial expertise world-leading, and how you and your business can benefit from it.

Who is Rayven Brochure

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One of our data science, AI + IIoT specialists will contact you for a live one-on-one demonstration or to answer any questions.