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Platform Deployment

Hybrid architecture + flexible deployment options as-standard.


Deploy Rayven however + wherever you need, then scale at-will. Revolutionise how you manage your operations and improve performance, no matter your architecture.


 Rayven will fit your existing infrastructure + integrate with all your existing technologies, seamlessly.

With ready-to-go-connectors to all major cloud providers, ERP, data lakes, IoT sensors and other systems; our integrated data, AI + IoT platform and the applications built on it can simply slot into your architecture no matter how complex it is.

Deploy Rayven in your Cloud, on-premise, in our private cloud, or at the Edge - the choice is yours.

Keep your infrastructure + architecture
100% interoperable: integrate anything
Edge-ready: when seconds matter
Make your complete stack hybrid
(Almost) infinitely scalable
Get complete control of new technologies

Rayven fits your infrastructure, seamlessly, integrating anything + creating a hybrid environment.


Rayven complements your existing infrastructure - it doesn’t compete with it - increasing the value of your current technology investments + IT strategies.

Our integrated data, AI + IoT platform can be deployed in multiple ways to suit your business, IT + solution needs.

1: On-Premise

We can deploy our platform on on-premise hardware situated in your data rooms.

2: Your Private Cloud

Rayven natively supports deployments with all major cloud providers.

3: Rayven Private Cloud

You can deploy on Rayven's ultra-secure Private Cloud for added security.

4: Edge

Deploy at the Edge when millisecond reaction times are critical.

With enterprise security built-in, Rayven can be easily configured, deployed + maintained without an IT team’s involvement - putting you in total control.

How Rayven's deployment options stack up.

On-Premise Your Private Cloud
Rayven Private Cloud
Overview Installation and management within your own data centres. Hosting on virtual machines provided by a third-party cloud provider. Hosting on virtual machines provided by Rayven.
Manage Your IP Complete control over your intellectual property. Maintain and manage your intellectual property securely. Maintain and manage your intellectual property securely.
Cost Management Potential long-term savings through capital investment in hardware. Cost savings if existing deal with a cloud provider. Potential cost saving if no existing deal with a cloud provider.
Initial Investment Higher initial capital expenditure due to hardware purchases. Lower initial capital expenditure as no physical hardware is required. Lower initial capital expenditure as no physical hardware is required.
Control + Ownership Full ownership and management of all hardware and software. Retain existing control over your environment and data. Get greater control over your environment and data.
Flexibility Full ability to customise hardware and software. Full control over infrastructure and management, allowing for customised configurations and maintenance schedules. Rayven handles all aspects of cloud management, providing a hassle-free experience.
Enhanced Security Physical control over hardware, custom physical security measures, bespoke security protocols. Dedicated instances ensure data isolation, benefit from cloud provider's advanced security features (firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection). Dedicated instances ensure data isolation, benefit from cloud provider's advanced security features (firewalls, encryption, intrusion detection).
Scalability Requires additional hardware purchases and installation. Easily scale resources up or down based on needs. Easily scale resources up or down based on needs.
Customisation Full customisation of hardware and software. Tailor infrastructure to meet specific business requirements and workloads. Tailor infrastructure to meet specific business requirements and workloads.
Data Sovereignty + Compliance Complete control over where data is stored and processed. Maintain compliance with local regulations and industry standards by hosting data within specified regions. Maintain compliance with local regulations and industry standards by hosting data within specified regions.
Management Fully managed by the organisation’s IT team. Managed by the organisation's IT team. Rayven manages the cloud infrastructure.
Ease of Setup Complex setup and configuration of hardware and software. Quicker and easier setup due to pre-configured virtual environments and managed services. Quicker and easier setup due to pre-configured virtual environments and managed services.
Support Full support by Rayven for on-premise deployment. Support by Rayven, with the IT team handling the cloud environment. Rayven manages and supports the cloud environment.

This is how Rayven fits:


Deploy Rayven wherever you need to.

Integrate any + all of your technologies.

Create a hybrid environment, simply.

Get infinitely scalable architecture, simply

Every feature you need + others you’ll want tomorrow in one platform. 

Easy-to-use, fast-to-deploy + delivering extreme capabilities; Rayven gives you an integration (iPaaS), ETL, Data, Workflow, Machine Learning, IoT, Analytics, AI + App Development platform in-one.

Pay only for what you do + get a platform that will grow with your business and needs - get started today, simply.


Explore some of our platform's other features:

Integration + Data Ingestion.

Rayven is ultra-interoperable middleware that's can connect to any device, database, system, SaaS, machine, third-party data feed - anything - both fast and simply.

It does this using a unique toolkit of scripts, integration nodes and out-of-the-box connectors that can connect at a deeper, protocol level. The result is you can ingest data in any format, structure, static or time-series, via file import, and more.


Data Management.

Rayven makes it easy to manage data streams - no matter their origin + format - and store your data securely to ensure it's accessible, anywhere.

With real-time tagging, labelling + monitoring; our easy-to-use, enterprise-level tools make sure that your data is ready for anything both within and outside the platform.

User Management.

Powerful industrial AI applications need to come with control, so our platform gives you all the tools you need. Manage passwords, access level + roles, create groups, and customise permissions.

Rayven's user management capabilities enable you to maintain security and integrity at all times.


Enterprise Security.

Security is central to everything we do, making our platform the most secure + reliable in the world.

Rayven features a host of vendor and proprietary security measures, including end-to-end encryption, API authentication, event monitoring, SSO, Rayven Defender (AI security), user access revalidation. We keep your data secure at all points.

What do you want to do next?

Direct Brochure: use for
your own business.

Partner Brochure: build apps + sell them to customers.

Fast Start Brochure: get help to deploy even faster.

Speak to an Expert


Book a time to speak to someone from our team to find out more + get some free advice.