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How Industrial Businesses Can Get Started With Generative AI, Fast

Jared Oken, 25 March 2024

Embracing industrial Generative AI represents a significant step forward for businesses seeking to modernise operations, enhance productivity, and drive innovation. However, the journey to AI integration is daunting, especially for organisations without advanced data science and/or developer expertise.

What's covered in this article 'How Industrial Businesses Can Get Started With Generative AI, Fast':
  • Assessing your business’s AI readiness.
  • Identifying quick-win projects for immediate impact.
  • Selecting the right platform (and how some products mean you don't need to be a Data Scientist or developer)
  • Implementing a phased approach for AI adoption.
  • The potential challenges and how to overcome them
  • Evaluating and iterating on AI projects for continuous improvement.

This article outlines a pragmatic approach to getting started with  industrial Generative AI that any business can use
, emphasising strategies for quick implementation and long-term success.

Assessing Your Business’s AI Readiness

Before diving into the world of industrial Generative AI, it's crucial to evaluate your business's readiness for such a technological leap.

  • Technical Infrastructure: Review your current IT infrastructure. Because Rayven is completely interoperable and deployable anywhere, all you need to consider here is only what systems you have that need to be involved. If you're not using Rayven, you need to think about whether your infrastructure can support AI, considering processing power and data storage.
  • Data Quality + Availability: Since Generative AI relies heavily on data, having access to high-quality, real-time data is a prerequisite for successful implementation. Rayven can ETL, store and analyse all your data in real-time, guaranteed, so all you need to consider is if there's data holes - we'll work out how to fill them (and we will, guaranteed).
  • Team Skills + Culture: Assess whether your team has the necessary skills or the capacity to learn. Additionally, gauge the organisation's openness to adopting AI-driven processes. Our team of experts can and will help (if you're going with Rayven, that is).

Identifying Quick-Win Projects for Immediate Impact

Starting with projects that promise quick wins can help demonstrate the value of industrial Generative AI to stakeholders and build momentum for wider adoption.

Some great places to start are:

  • Process automation: Look for repetitive, time-consuming tasks that can be automated, freeing up human resources for more complex activities.
  • Data analysis enhancements: Implement Generative AI in analysing operational data to uncover inefficiencies or areas for optimisation, providing actionable insights with immediate benefits.

Selecting the Right Platform

*COUGH* Rayven *COUGH*, but seriously, choosing the right industrial Generative AI platform is critical.

The ideal platform should be user-friendly and require minimal specialised knowledge and coding, allowing anyone in your team to leverage AI capabilities without being AI experts. That's generally where the magic lies: get people who are experts in the subject matter rather than the technologies involved to create the AI applications.

To do this, you need to provide complete toolkits that are:

  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Platforms with intuitive interfaces and all the functionality that you need to build an AI application. This is about everything from integration through to LLM model application, so it needs to be simple to use at every stage. This significantly lowers the barrier to entry for businesses new to AI (and is what Rayven does).
  • Customisation Capabilities: Ensure the platform allows for customisation to suit your specific business needs, enabling more relevant and impactful AI applications.

Implementing a Phased Approach for AI Adoption

Adopting a phased approach to industrial Generative AI integration can help manage the transition smoothly, minimising disruption while allowing for iterative learning and adjustment.

No-one in the real world thinks you're going to go all-in off the bat (it's too risky, expensive and much more likely to hit the brick wall of user adoption), so:

  • Pilot Projects: Start with small-scale pilot projects to test the waters, learn from the experience, and refine your approach before scaling up. So, for example, start with deploying it on one production line, to improve energy efficiency, or something tangible and measurable; then scale it from there.
  • Scalability Planning: As you gain confidence and see results, plan for a gradual scale-up, ensuring your infrastructure (not a problem with Rayven!) and team are prepared for a larger rollout.

Navigating Potential Challenges

Anticipating and preparing for potential challenges is key to a successful industrial Generative AI implementation.

Common hurdles include data privacy concerns, integration with existing systems (again, not with Rayven), and ensuring AI decisions are explainable and aligned with business goals.

  • Privacy +Security: Implement robust data security measures and ensure AI applications comply with relevant data protection regulations. (See Rayven's here).
  • Integration Efforts: Be prepared for integration challenges with existing systems and processes, allocating resources for technical troubleshooting and support. Rayven laughs in the face of integration challenges: see why.

Evaluating and Iterating on AI Projects

Continuous evaluation and iteration are crucial for maximising the benefits of industrial Generative AI applications.

Collect feedback, measure performance, and be willing to adjust strategies as needed:

  • Performance Metrics: Establish clear metrics to evaluate the success of AI projects, including efficiency gains, cost savings, and improvements in product quality or customer satisfaction.
  • Feedback Loops: Create mechanisms for regular feedback from users and stakeholders, using insights to refine and improve AI applications continuously.

Starting with industrial Generative AI doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. By assessing readiness, identifying impactful projects, choosing the right platform, and adopting a phased approach, industrial businesses can integrate AI technologies efficiently and effectively.

Addressing potential challenges head-on and committing to ongoing evaluation and improvement will ensure that AI investments deliver tangible benefits and drive long-term success.

Rayven is an all-in-one real-time data, AI + IoT platform with unique industrial Generative AI and custom application building capabilities. We deliver an easy-to-use, codeless toolkit that anybody can use to integrate, ETL and analyse all their data in real-time; build custom workflows and automations; leverage Machine Learning and predictive analytics; create, train, and deploy custom LLMs bespoke to their needs; and create the interfaces, alerts and reports that frontend users need to optimise, innovate and create.

Get everything you need to succeed with industrial Generative AI today and build custom AI applications fast and affordably: speak to us now to find out more and get started.

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One of our data science, AI + IIoT specialists will contact you for a live one-on-one demonstration or to answer any questions.